Blockchain friends, here comes the latest industry news! 🎉Today, the Hong Kong virtual asset ETF market was active, with the total transaction volume of 6 ETFs reaching HK$25.02 million! 🚀Among them, China Asset Management Bitcoin ETF (3042.HK) led the way with a transaction volume of HK$11.29 million, followed by Harvest Bitcoin ETF (3439.HK) and Boshi HashKey Bitcoin ETF (3008.HK) with transaction volumes of HK$3.93 million and HK$3.4 million, respectively. 💰

In addition, the Ethereum ETF market cannot be ignored. China Asset Management Ethereum ETF (3046.HK) and Harvest Ethereum ETF (3179.HK) performed well with transaction volumes of HK$1.48 million and HK$3.8 million, respectively, and Boshi HashKey Ethereum ETF (3009.HK) also had a transaction volume of HK$1.12 million. 👏

It seems that the market performance of Bitcoin ETF is indeed eye-catching, and we are even more confident in the prospects of Bitcoin! 🌟However, the development of Ethereum ETFs cannot be ignored, as they may also become the next dark horse! 🐎Let us look forward to more excitement in the blockchain market! 🎈