98% of copycats will never return to their historical highs

A common and profound lesson in the currency circle is that blindly rushing to buy at the bottom when the market turns from prosperity to decline is often the most common misunderstanding for investors. When the market's vane quietly reverses from climbing to declining, the time required to restart the upward channel is often far beyond imagination, and the depth of the decline is often more tragic than expected.

Faced with the high price drop of Bitcoin, even a small 10% correction is enough to deter many investors, because every price drop is accompanied by the helpless selling of some holders.

Real opportunities are often hidden in the desperate abyss of the market. When the hustle and bustle of the market falls silent, a large number of participants are ruthlessly liquidated by the market and evacuate this once hot land. Some people even begin to question whether the future of cryptocurrency has reached a dead end. This may be the time to lay the groundwork for the next round of prosperity cycle. At this time, it is the best time for us to plan for the future and wait for the flowers to bloom.

I firmly believe that under the baptism of this round of cryptocurrency cycle, the vast majority - that is, more than 98% of the altcoins will find it difficult to reproduce their former glory, and their peak may have become a thing of the past. However, in this vast sea of ​​coins, there are always a few bright pearls that may shine again at some point between the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025, leading a new trend.

As for Bitcoin, it is quietly undergoing a transformation, emerging from the wildness of the previous cycle, and gradually showing a stability and maturity that transcends the cycle. It is no longer just a plaything of speculators, but more and more like a globally recognized macro asset.

If you want to get rich in this bull market, we have established the best information network on the entire network, share our experience and strategies, check the top and follow the bull market deployment, whether it is a slow bull stage or a sector rotation, you will never miss it.


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