👉🏻 IO.NET reminds me of a search for extraterrestrial civilizations project I came across before: SETI@home

SETI is a Search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) program maintained by Harvard University, the University of California, Berkeley and other organizations. SETI@home is a distributed computing project that uses the Internet to integrate thousands of idle personal computers around the world to process astronomical data and search for extraterrestrial civilizations. Participants can download and run screen savers to allow their computers to process data fed back by radio telescope signals.

At that time, I thought this was a very genius design. You know, renting supercomputers is very expensive, searching for aliens does not bring short-term value, and processing radio telescope data is a long-term and boring computing task. So SETI@home uses screen savers to integrate the computing power of thousands of idle home computers around the world, which is very suitable (the first version of SETI@home was released on May 17, 1999)

Today in 2024, distributed computing already has many mature applications. In the WEB3 field, we call this model DEPIN. Combined with blockchain technology, it rewards nodes that provide computing with corresponding tokens, thereby incentivizing nodes to continue to provide stable and high-quality computing power.

#IO去中心化算力网络 The advantages and potential of #IO去中心化算力网络 are obvious. It integrates idle computing resources and provides cheap and high-quality computing power to scientific research institutions or commercial entities in need.

Compared with traditional supercomputing centers and computing power factories, the advantage of IO.NET is its lower cost. It is very attractive to organizations that do not have sufficient funds but have a large demand for computing power. For example, start-up AI companies need to train large models, and pharmaceutical laboratories need to simulate protein folding structures. These all have a lot of computing needs, but traditional computing power resources are expensive and in short supply. At this time, IO.NET is a good choice.

👉🏻 To sum up

1️⃣ Market demand:

As the use of AI and machine learning increases, the demand for high-performance computing resources is also growing. IO.NET's GPU computing network can meet this demand, especially in the context of global computing power shortage, and its potential is huge.

2️⃣ Technical advantages:

As a decentralized GPU computing network, IO.NET can utilize idle computing resources to provide more efficient and economical solutions, which is unmatched by traditional centralized computing providers.

3️⃣ Industry coverage:

io.net can cooperate with other Web3 projects, AI startups, and big data companies to form an ecological alliance to expand its application scenarios and market coverage.

4️⃣ Global expansion:

With its decentralized nature, IO.NET can easily expand to the global market and break the geographical limitations of computing centers, especially those areas where traditional computing resources are scarce.

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