What is the driving force behind each bull market surge?

As a witness in the crypto space for several years, I have witnessed these historic changes. Although each bull market has its own unique trigger points, the root causes all revolve around technological innovation, growing acceptance, and changes in the macroeconomic environment.

🚀Back in 2012, Bitcoin was still a niche experiment, and its upward momentum came from a group of brave pioneers and enthusiastic supporters of technology enthusiasts.

🚀Time passed to 2016, and the light of blockchain technology gradually attracted a wider range of participants. They were attracted by the vision of financial inclusion brought by blockchain and jointly promoted the further expansion of the market.

🚀And 2020 is undoubtedly a turning point in the history of cryptocurrency. The influx of institutional investors marks that cryptocurrency has officially become an important hedge against economic uncertainty. This change not only brought unprecedented legitimacy and capital injection to the market, but also opened the door to a new era of crypto assets.

🚀Today, we are standing on the eve of a new round of bull market, and all signs indicate that this round of growth may be even more magnificent. The increasingly clear regulatory environment, the widespread popularity of DeFi, and the continuous leap in technology are jointly weaving a brilliant picture of the future market.

The market has experienced a sharp drop, and the cottage generally pulled back. Next, I will prepare some currencies suitable for bargain hunting and put them in my "Return Plan". If you get lost, come to the intermediary to find the way! Choice is greater than hard work!

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