(Monday 08 July 2024, 07:18 AM GMT):

Binance, a leading name in cryptocurrency exchanges, has announced its decision to delist four tokens from its platform. The affected tokens are BarnBridge (BOND), Dock (DOCK), Mdex (MDX), and Polkastarter (POLS). Trading for these tokens will cease at 11:00 AM Eastern Time on July 22, 2024.

Source: Binance

Reasons Behind the Decision

Binance frequently evaluates the digital assets available on its platform to ensure they meet stringent quality standards. When a token fails to meet these criteria or when significant changes occur in the industry, Binance may decide to delist the token after a comprehensive review.

This move underscores Binance's dedication to providing a top-notch trading environment and safeguarding its users. By staying responsive to market dynamics and maintaining a focus on quality, Binance continues to uphold its commitment to user protection and satisfaction.

For those holding BOND, DOCK, MDX, or POLS on Binance, it's important to stay informed and follow the exchange's guidance on handling these tokens during the delisting process.

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#Delist $DOCK $BOND $MDX