Linea Culture SZN Event Guide: Unlock LXP Points and Embrace the Linea Culture Feast

1. Activity Background

Welcome to the dazzling world of Linea Culture SZN - a month-long celebration dedicated to the rich and colorful culture within the Linea ecosystem. This is not only a feast for the eyes and soul, but also a great opportunity to earn precious LXP points.

2. Purpose of the activity

Following the grand closing of Linea Park, Linea Culture SZN is one of the few events where you can win Linea LXP points. The event spans from July 1 to August 3, 2024, and the core gameplay is to accumulate LXP points through MINT NFT. But please note that only by participating through the Linea POH wallet address can you ensure that the points are successfully credited. Therefore, please be sure to check your POH status to make sure everything is ready.

POH status check link:

Direct link to the event:

3. Detailed operation process

Activity Overview and Question and Answer Challenge

Step 1: Link your wallet and enter the market easily.

Steps 2 to 4: Complete the activity introduction and question-and-answer tasks. The option with the most words is often the correct answer.

Extra Tip: Complete optional tasks and link your social accounts to enhance your participation experience.

Special Mission Analysis

OctoMos Quest: Unfortunately, this quest has expired and there is no need to attempt it again.

Push task preview: MINT is expected to start on July 5, 2024, so stay tuned.

eFrogs and Wizard Of Linea: Sadly, both of these missions have ended.

Crazy Gang NFT Creation

Step 1: Enter Crazy Gang and link your wallet to receive 1 point as a new user.

Step 2: Select your favorite NFT protagonist, enter creative description words, and generate a unique NFT work.

Step 3: Name and describe your NFT, and make a MINT at a cost of 0.045U.

Bonus: Complete optional social tasks, follow the Twitter account, or choose to skip it.

Future Mission Preview

The last two tasks have not yet been opened. We will continue to follow up and bring you the latest developments as soon as possible.

IV. Summary and Outlook

Linea Culture SZN is a feast that integrates cultural exploration and points collection with NFT MINT as the core. Each task carries the challenge of time limit, but it is this sense of urgency that makes every participation meaningful. For you who love the Linea ecosystem, this is not only a good opportunity to accumulate LXP, but also a stage to deeply experience Linea culture and show creativity.

Take action now! Follow this guide to unlock the infinite possibilities of Linea Culture SZN step by step. Save this article to not miss any wonderful moments. In the future, we will continue to update and share every wonderful moment of this cultural journey with you.

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