A quick look at the 7/8 crypto circle selected tasks

xmonk airdrop feast: xmonk generously airdrops 100 tokens for $Pizza users, hurry up!

New trend of Dianyang airdrop: The ultimate welfare is coming, the remaining shares of Dianyang airdrop are waiting for you to claim, visit rewards.ultiverse.io to claim.

Doubler financial management opportunity: TVL has soared to about 2.5 million U, seize the Doubler's savings and value-added opportunities, sprint on demand, and wealth growth will not stop!

MegaETH character giveaway: @megaeth_labs welfare upgrade, join the Discord community to verify your identity, you can get MiniETH characters for free, and have the opportunity to unlock MegaETH rare characters!

Layer3 art voting: Participate in Linea Layer3 tasks, vote for your favorite artists, and cast exclusive Cubes, and the art journey begins!

LiveArt daily guessing: Challenge your artistic sense, the answer to LiveArt daily questions is revealed: BBABA BABAA, win generous rewards!

Pixelverse financing carnival: The new star project Pixelverse raised 5.5 million US dollars. Today's answer clue: 13-7-9-10. Join the Telegram group to win in-game rewards!

#BTC走势分析 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #币安合约锦标赛 #德国政府转移比特币