
BNB has a yellow dot on the 2-hour chart, which is a signal for long-term buying, indicating that the market may rebound in the short term.

As the signal stabilizes, the green dot will be a good time to add positions or enter new long orders. Our target profit point is set in the range of 504.26 to 509.55, and the maximum profit is expected to reach 2.41%. #BNB金鏟子 #BNBSmartChain #BNB的ETF #币安合约锦标赛

However, please note that this operation is a counter-trend long order, because on the large-scale 4-hour chart, the market is still under the control of shorts, so the profit space may be relatively limited.

Investors are requested to make prudent decisions based on their own risk tolerance and take profits in time. $BTC $ETH $BNB