🛑🛑🛑 SHEET analysis

1️⃣ LISTA has fallen by more than 40%, does this mean this is the end, of course not because of market fluctuations, we do not see much movement in currencies like LISTA and others as I see the maximum decline in LISTA to the 0.4000 area , then the bounce of my indicator that I rely on showed me a support area and the possibility of a bounce off of it or a breakout of the area to 0.4000, so the expected bounce is as you see in the X and A and B harmonic formation, the rest of the C formation, then after the formation the growth begins and the target of LISTA is from A to the 0.7500 area, knowing that the target is outside this area to 0.8000 to 0.8500, so now LISTA is very cheap, also does not have high risk and on the RSI 4H indicator positive, although bearish.