What to do if it is difficult to stop loss in cryptocurrency trading?

If it is just to improve knowledge and provide a perspective

Children are generally afraid of injections and cry loudly. When they grow up, they are no longer afraid of injections. Why? Because they know thoroughly that the pain of injections is beneficial and conducive to curing diseases. Stop loss is like the principal is sick, and stop loss is a treatment method. Fear means that you have not grown up and do not know thoroughly.

If you know it but have difficulty in behavior, it is another experience. The habit is too heavy and the pain is too sensitive. This shows that without external intervention, it is not suitable for trading. A small stop loss drags into a big explosion, just like a minor illness is not treated, and a major illness is incurable. There are even traders who are afraid of illness and hate stop loss.

From the perspective of the Dharma Realm, stop profit and stop loss are the same thing, there is no difference. You will not stay away from stop loss, nor will you be obsessed with stop profit. This requires a higher realm.

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