If you are a newbie, there is no need to think about doing everything.

There are 4 simple ways to enter the market with the trend.

In a downtrend, short the upper boundary of the downtrend box and short on rebound.

In an uptrend, long the lower boundary of the uptrend box and rebound.

Focus on one and do it when you have the chance. If you don’t have the chance, take a break and review what phenomena will be accompanied by most of the same structures in the past.

As time goes by, your winning rate will only get higher and higher. I need to post tweets, so I will analyze these four types, but I usually do more rebound shorts.

#新手必看 #交易理论 #BTC走势分析

Again, if you don’t know what to do in the market, click on my profile picture, spot planner, contract honey 🐎, comment 666 to share with you.