Hybrid: Reshaping the future of Web-3, the $HYB airdrop feast is fully launched!

In the vast sky of blockchain, a new star is rising, carrying the mission of changing the Web-3 world, sweeping in with overwhelming force - this is Hybrid! Supported by @CoinList, the official airdrop event of the Hybrid testnet has officially kicked off, and an unprecedented blockchain revolution is waiting for your participation. Are you ready for this feast of technology and innovation?

Hybrid is a pioneering project that aims to optimize blockchain processing efficiency and innovate decentralized application management. It not only integrates the most cutting-edge intelligent technology, but also opens up new channels in the vast field of blockchain. Through the issuance of $HYB tokens, Hybrid is working with @CoinList to jointly draw a blueprint for the future. Here, every line of code contains the desire and pursuit for a more efficient, smarter, and more decentralized world.

1. Free NFT minting, don’t miss it

Want to be the first to embrace the hybrid future? Then start by minting an exclusive NFT for free! Just a few simple steps:

Click the link: https://zora.co/collect/arb:0xdb1baaf8e6de4125d0e833e170a15895a21c591c/1?referrer=0xaA7c2e4Fa3730413713070C0035b212Fa0ECD0E0

Connect your wallet

Choosing the Arbitrum Network

Click on “Mint”

Confirm the transaction and easily obtain NFT

2. Add Hybrid Network and Explore Further

Want to learn more about Hybrid? Let’s start by adding a Hybrid network!

Visit: https://app.buildonhybrid.com

Connect your wallet

Adding a Hybrid Network

Complete the registration and start your Hybrid journey

3. Get test tokens and experience unlimited possibilities

Want to experience the charm of Hybrid for yourself? Go to the faucet to get the test token $HYB!

Visit: https://app.buildonhybrid.com/faucet

Copy your wallet address

Get 10 test tokens $HYB to start your testing journey

4. Bridging the future, cross-chain without boundaries

Hybrid also provides you with cross-chain bridging services, allowing your assets to move freely between multiple networks.

Visit: https://hybrid-testnet.bridge.caldera.xyz

Connect your wallet

Enter transaction amount

Transfer $HYB from Hybrid to Sepolia and experience seamless cross-chain

5. Create Atlas and dance with AI

Hybrid's Atlas platform takes intelligent technology to its extreme. Here, you can:

Visit: http://app.buildonhybrid.com/atlas/login

Create an Atlas account using your email address and username

Interact with AI and ask questions

Use $HYB tokens to purchase credits and explore more smart services

Hybrid is not just a name of a project, it is our vision and practice for the future blockchain world. Here, every innovation will become a force to drive the industry forward. With the hot $HYB airdrop, Hybrid is gradually unveiling its mysterious veil, inviting everyone who loves blockchain and pursues innovation to write a new chapter of Web-3 together. Join us to witness and participate in this unprecedented change!

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