Look at this wave of decline📉📉📉How many predictions did the chief give you‼ ️‼ ️

Three consecutive public posts, three shorts, all bands were eaten clean‼ ️

Okay, then friends all know that our last short order successfully shorted from 3520, all the way to 28 near the direct operation successfully ate 700 points of the big explosion point, a total of 205000. Then we just because everyone kept asking me how to look at and operate the non-agricultural data afterwards, in fact, I told everyone at that time that I was very tired and I would not operate the non-agricultural market anymore, but I still sent everyone an analysis. The analysis we sent to everyone mentioned for three consecutive days that after the flywheel, the market will stop falling and enter a 48-hour level rebound. Then our article was sent on Friday night. You can see our solemn prediction. 48 hours later, on Sunday night, after a round of rebound, the sailing continued to fall, so our short and long orders, long and short double kills were all taken. 🤑🤑#美国6月非农数据高于预期