Xion: Reshaping the Web3 experience, an airdrop feast is waiting for you!

Opening attraction:

In the vast universe of Web3, Xion is like a shining star, leading developers and brands to overcome technical barriers and create a new era of seamless interaction. The just announced $36 million financing feast, supported by top investment institutions such as HashKey Capital, Circle, and Amonica Brands, not only demonstrates Xion's unlimited potential, but also brings us an airdrop carnival!

Project Introduction:

Xion, as an innovative pioneer in the Web3 ecosystem, is committed to providing a one-stop toolkit that allows developers and brands to easily build a borderless and smooth blockchain application experience. No matter how high the technical threshold is, Xion can simplify it so that every user can enjoy the infinite possibilities of Web3.

Operation process: Complete guide to airdrop mission

  1. Register to start your journey

    Visit: https://xion.bonusblock.io?r=zAxkkb8q

    Enter your email address, complete the verification code, and easily register an account.

  2. Social Links

    Connect your Discord account and X account to enhance community interaction and unlock more benefits.

  3. NFT Welcome Gift

    Click "Share to X" to instantly mint your exclusive NFT and record this exciting moment.

  4. Recommended Gifts

    Visit the referral page, copy your exclusive link, share it with friends or in the comment section, and earn points and rewards together.

  5. Xion Mortgage Program

    Enter the staking activity, receive XION from the faucet, and pledge 0.5 XION for at least 3 validators each. Do this for two consecutive days to accelerate the accumulation of points.

  6. Aeroscraper Challenge

    Participate in the Skyscraper mission, deposit AST tokens and lend them out, while taking advantage of the aUSD stable pool and waiting for the joy of NFT minting.

  7. EarnOS Wealth Journey

    Connect to EarnOS, connect your social account, and easily earn 5 USDC. Complete your profile, complete additional tasks, and move towards higher rewards. Note that you need to maintain an account balance of at least 10 USDC to receive NFT.

  8. Full sprint, non-stop tasks

    Go deep into the Xion official website and complete all remaining tasks. Every bit of effort will be converted into generous NFT rewards.

  9. Leaderboard Competition

    Visit the leaderboard to check your experience and ranking. Sprint to more than 1,000 points to unlock basic rewards and move towards higher honors!

Ending call:

In this airdrop feast, every step is full of surprises, and every effort will be seen. Xion is not only a project, but also a bridge to the future of Web3. Join us and write a new chapter of Web3 with wisdom and enthusiasm! Come and participate, and make your Web3 journey extraordinary!

Link: https://xion.bonusblock.io?r=zAxkkb8q

Act now, airdrop gifts are waiting for you!

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