Having been cut off for a long time, I have summarized several points on how to become a profit maker:

First, we must be smart against "stop sun hunting", be wary of market manipulation, flexibly adjust the stop loss point, and stay away from traps.

Second, we must keep a close eye on the movements of "whales", understand the behavior of big crocodiles, grasp the pulse of the market, and make decisions one step ahead. At the same time, we must understand market manipulation, recognize the variability of strategies, improve our discernment, and become a savvy trader.

In addition, it is also very important to keep up with the pace of supervision. The crypto field is changing rapidly, and we need to understand the regulatory direction and adapt to changes.

Finally, actuarial tax planning is also indispensable. In addition to trading, don't forget tax planning to ensure that you maximize your profits.

In this risky market, the above points are crucial to becoming a real profit maker. I hope everyone can also pay attention to these points in trading and improve their profitability.

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