1. When escaping the top, it is best to compare the coin in your hand with Bitcoin to measure its trend of the day. If the coin in your hand is obviously weaker than BTC, you can choose to sell it. Otherwise, hold it. (Market rules, strong keep weak sell, the same is true for short-term).

2. Short-term high leverage players. Coins with high cross stars must be sold. Such coins are prone to turning points downward, and there are fewer locked-in coins at high positions. Once they are locked, it is difficult to get out of the lock. Stop loss immediately instead of waiting for the next round of speculation.

3. For coins that have been in a state of no volume (very little trading volume) in the early stage, and suddenly have a huge increase one day, sell them when the next day's daily line closes and they are sold when they rise. Such coins will generally continue to be sorted out and it is difficult to achieve anything in the short term. Remember, there are very few dog dealers who absorb funds so ostentatiously. When they really rise, it will not be under this premise.

4. If you are a short-term player, you must resolutely sell the broken coins. The so-called broken position means that they run below all moving averages for a week. The probability of such coins continuing to fall and consolidate is very high. Don't be stubborn. If you are reluctant to sell, you can only suffer every day or run away after recovering the cost. Moreover, this kind of short-term trading is very easy to do.

5. Be cautious about the coins that suddenly rise rapidly after the US stock market closes. Generally, the funds of the banker have reached the point where they are unable to protect the market, and they take a way of self-rescue. This kind of coin cannot be lingering.

6. When the daily line of the coin you choose closes with a negative line and the upper shadow line is very long, you should sell it. Most of these coins will continue to fall, especially some high upper shadow lines. Don't be lucky and sell decisively.

7. When the market plummets and there are large-scale plummeting coins, sell your coins decisively when they are still at the cost. Don't be trapped, otherwise you will regret not selling. In this case, even if you are reluctant, you can pick it up at the relative low point of the band after the closing of the daily line on the next day. Short-term trading is very easy to do. $BTC