The bull will not come and knock on our door and say that the bull market has come, invest.
The bull market is born in pessimism and makes people suffer maximum pain before that market shows itself, so that when the market returns, the small investor will have no money left and will not believe that the market has returned.
Just as the elders give bad news and cause the market to fall, they also make us believe in such a market that we believe that we will put 1 and get 100, but this happens at the top.
Where there are markets and opportunities, the big men, whom I call Whales, will not make us suffer forever because they need our money.
After a while, the market will rise well and small investors will make good profits, and then they will sell their cars and give good credit to those who enter the market from the top.
We experienced this in both periods of 2017-2021 and we will experience it again.