[Shocking] The scale of bank wealth management has soared to 30 trillion! In which wealth management products is your money?

With the accumulation of social wealth and the awakening of people's financial management awareness, bank financial management is no longer an unattainable concept.

Recently, a striking piece of data has surfaced - the overall scale of bank wealth management has approached the astonishing 30 trillion mark.

Behind this figure, it not only shows the huge potential of the market, but also reflects what types of bank financial products modern people are increasingly inclined to choose.

So, which products are popular among the public?

We need to understand the basic classification of bank wealth management products.

Currently, the financial products on the market are mainly divided into net value type and non-net value type.

Net value products have attracted a large number of investors with their floating returns. Data shows that as of the end of 2020, the scale of net value products accounted for nearly 67.28%, reaching 17.4 trillion.

In particular, open-ended net value products dominate the net value products with a proportion of 81%, which shows the market's activity and investors' emphasis on liquidity.

In terms of investment targets, fixed income products remain the darlings of the market.

According to the data, the outstanding balance of fixed-income products reached 21.81 trillion yuan, accounting for an astonishing 84.34%.

This includes various forms such as cash management, pure bond fixed income, and fixed income enhanced yield (fixed income +), meeting the needs of people with different risk preferences.

Hybrid products are mainly a combination of bond assets and equity assets, with an outstanding balance of 3.97 trillion yuan, accounting for 15.36%, showing a trend of diversified allocation.

Faced with such a large and diverse market for financial products, we can't help but ask, why do modern people prefer these products? On the one hand, with the adjustment of economic structure and fluctuations in the capital market, traditional deposit interest rates can no longer meet people's demand for asset appreciation.

On the other hand, compared with high-risk channels such as directly entering the stock market, bank wealth management products provide a relatively stable option, especially fixed income products, which have become the first choice for conservative investors with their relatively stable returns.

Choosing financial products is not without risk.

Due to market uncertainty, product design and operational complexity, investors need to have a certain level of knowledge and risk tolerance.

This requires us to improve our financial literacy while pursuing returns, learn to identify product characteristics, and make more rational investment decisions.

The scale of bank wealth management products has soared to 30 trillion, reflecting the changing trends in modern financial management.

In this change, fixed income products and net value products have been favored by the majority of investors.

As an investor, only by understanding the characteristics of the product and clarifying your own risk tolerance can you go further on the road of financial management and obtain more ideal returns.

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