Crypto Market Analysis | July 7

Today we witnessed the end of the rebound, and the weekend was normal. Pay attention to the bottom support and the decision of the US market. It is expected that the US market will continue to recover the lost ground. The trend next Monday is particularly critical. We need to wait for the CPI data, and the market may be pulled up again at the end of the month.

Bitcoin is in an oversold state in the short term, and it is expected that there may be a macroeconomic rebound next week. The SEC may approve the Ethereum ETF, which may trigger positive momentum in the short term. But in the medium term, this is not a major buying opportunity, and it is recommended that stable investors wait for the settlement on July 11 and 12.

Daily level

Large-level downtrend upper pressure: 60500 Lower support: 56000

4-hour level

Bottom: 57300 Bottom support: 56000 Upper pressure: 59000

Intraday level

Bottom support: 56000 Support: 57300 Upper pressure: 59300

In this period of crypto history, stay calm and get through this difficult time safely.

Tags:#Cryptocurrency#Bitcoin#Ethereum#ETF#CPIdata#Marketanalysis#Cryptomarket#Investmentstrategy#Bitcoinrebound#USmarket trend#Blockchain#Financial market