Persist in learning and improve your cognition with five tips, which are full of gold content. I hope that friends who have read them will be inspired! !

1) Don’t rush to stop loss when the market falls sharply in the early trading: Usually, the sharp drop in the early trading is an overreaction to the negative news of the previous night, and you can wait for the market to repair and reverse later. On the contrary, you should not blindly chase the rise when the market rises sharply at the end of the trading day, because some main players may test the market and lure more, and may open low the next day to suppress and absorb funds.

2) Use trading volume for technical analysis: Trading volume is a practical technical indicator that can predict the future market trend. The continuous rise in shrinking volume indicates that the main players have strong control over the market; the decline in shrinking volume indicates that the panic market has not been exhausted, the freezing point has not been reached, and the price may continue to fall.

3) Master the top structure of the sector: The market of the sector is usually composed of five waves: the first wave hits the follow-up market, the second wave washes the market and adjusts, the third wave is the main rising wave, the fourth wave is complex and divergent, and the fifth wave lifts and pulls the goods. In this process, the third wave has the largest increase, the first wave is second, and the fifth wave is the lowest. However, the market is ever-changing, and the fifth wave may not always appear. When it is found that the leading sector is stagnant and the rebound is weakening, it may mean that the peak has been reached.

4) Pay attention to the performance of the sector during the acceleration period of the top of the big cake: Every time the top of the big cake is accelerated, the altcoins of a certain sector usually rise sharply, triggering a reversal of the big cake. Check whether the major leaders have stopped falling and risen. If so, the index may rise later.

5) Only by focusing on one thing can you get started: Especially for novices, it is more effective to study a trading strategy and master its skills than to learn multiple strategies at the same time. Greedy for more will lose, and those who are not good at learning are easily taught a lesson by the market. Don't switch modes at will, calm down and learn, gradually achieve stable profits, and then learn more skills, and finally integrate them.

These experiences are full of gold, and I hope they can inspire you!

If you are still underwater and can't see the trend of the market, you will fall if you are bullish and rise if you are bearish, follow me to share the profit code for free every day

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