📣Good news! North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper recently vetoed a bill that would have prohibited the state from implementing a central bank digital currency issued by the Federal Reserve. 😮The bill originally had broad support in the House and Senate, but Roy Cooper firmly said "no"! 👏

In a statement on June 5, he explained that House Bill 690 was "premature, vague and reactionary," so he did not think it was suitable to be signed into law. 📜While he has received some criticism for this decision, we must admit that it was indeed a bold move! 💪

This may be good news for Bitcoin optimists. Because it means that, at least in North Carolina, the road to central bank digital currency may not be so smooth. 🚧This may provide more room for the development of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. 🚀

Overall, this is an important blockchain regulatory development that deserves our close attention. 🔍Let us look forward to future developments together! 🎉