7.7 Sunday, early trading of Bitcoin and Ethereum, operation ideas!

When you encounter setbacks, you must understand that the beginning of a rise is often extended from a certain point at a low point, because many times there is no way out before there is a way out.

From the K-line of the big cake at 4 o'clock, the price of the currency has been running upward from the lower track of the Bollinger band to the middle track of the Bollinger band. The trend is upward. Yesterday, the big cake soared by more than 2,000 points. The MACD two-line trend is upward, and the momentum of the double head is gradually increasing! The three lines of KDJ have been running upward! The opening is gradually increasing... The overall trend is looking at the double!

I wanted to take a break yesterday afternoon, but I was itching to go in. Fortunately, the fluctuation of the concubine was not large. I stopped the loss directly near 3040, and the position of more than 18,000 u came to around 16,000.

7.7 Sunday Operation strategy:

Big cake, long in the 57800 to 58300 area, target at 60000, defense at 57000

Auntie, long in the 3030 to 3080 area, target at 3180, defense at 3000

Strategies have timeliness, more guidance is more exciting, if you can't grasp the direction, you are not sure, ↑🚗! $BTC $ETH $BNB #德国政府转移比特币 #币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美联储何时降息? #BTC走势分析