Blockchain games and NFT market:

Blockchain Gaming The blockchain gaming market suffered a significant correction in June 2024, with the decline of Bitcoin and Ethereum having a negative impact on the gaming token market.

However, the number of daily transactions in blockchain games has still increased, indicating that the market is still active to a certain extent. Important games such as Pixels and Matr1x FIRE have seen significant changes in user engagement, with Pixels' DAU recovering after experiencing fluctuations. NFT Market The NFT market is also facing challenges, with both transaction volume and prices declining.

However, some new cooperation projects such as Solana Labs’ cooperation with Dialect and the launch of Konami and Ava Labs’ NFT platform Resella have brought new vitality to the market. #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币 #币安合约锦标赛