Yesterday I had tea with a big guy. He said that he entered the cryptocurrency circle with 400,000 yuan, but lost only 30,000 yuan. Now he has tens of millions of assets. What helped him change his fate was → persisting in learning and improving his cognition. He summarized 6 experiences, 🍊 full of sincerity, and I hope that friends who read it will be inspired.


1. Don't rush to stop loss in the early morning market.


2. Make good use of the practical technology of trading volume. The volume can show the future market trend. .


3. Learn to look at the top structure of the sector. Usually the market is formed by five waves: the first wave hits the follow-up market, the second wave washes the market and adjusts, the third wave is the main rising wave, the fourth wave is complex and divergent, and the fifth wave lifts and pulls the goods.


4. Every time the top of the big cake accelerates, you will see a certain sector copycat surge, which will trigger a big cake change. Just look at whether the performance of the major leaders has stopped falling and risen, and the index will also rise later.


5. People's energy is limited, and it is easy to get started with concentration.


6. Embrace the trend, don't go against the trend.

Like embracing BTC and E0S R A M (memory). 关㊗️I am not lost ramtomoon ⚡豹

$BTC $ETH $SOL #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期