📢Blockchain News Flash! Jupiter co-founder Meow announced the draft of the J4J plan on the X platform, which is a large-scale community consensus experiment. 🔬

📜The main contents of the draft include: proposing to reduce the total supply of JUP by 30%, the team will voluntarily cut 30% of its allocation, and the Jupuary release will be reduced by 30% accordingly. 📉

🎯What is the goal of this proposal? Jupiter has no direct investors in JUP. This move will reduce the burden on FDV, activate the community to truly understand the JUP token economics, and address concerns about high emission levels, incentivizing everyone to develop metadata together. 🚀

🔮Continued optimism for Bitcoin, we look forward to seeing more innovations and breakthroughs in the blockchain field. Let's pay attention to the progress of the J4J plan together! 💡