Uncover the truth behind the disappearance of an elderly person’s pension, beware of new online fraud!

Recently, some elderly people reported that the pensions they had just received disappeared the next day.

The truth behind this is shocking - this may be a new type of online fraud that specifically targets the elderly.

By analyzing specific cases and fraud methods, we can provide effective prevention measures and response strategies.

Let’s take a look at how this scam works.

Scammers usually take advantage of the fact that the elderly are lack of information, desire for health, and have weak cognitive abilities to commit fraud.

They will lure elderly customers to visit the so-called "retirement bases" under the guise of investing in retirement bases, pre-selling retirement beds, etc., and then raise funds illegally.

In addition, there are also those who use the bait of transferring second-hand items at low prices, giving away health products, and low-cost travel to defraud the elderly of their deposits or handling fees.

What’s worse is that some scammers even impersonate public security, procuratorial and judicial personnel, taking advantage of the elderly’s weak legal awareness and panic to commit fraud.

Faced with such rampant fraud, we must remain vigilant and take effective measures to protect our property safety.

Here are some tips for preventing online telecom fraud:

1. Get rid of greed: Don’t easily believe in panaceas and free lunches that fall from the sky.

It is recommended to be vigilant about high-interest products and avoid easily trusting strangers and suspicious information.

2. Strengthen vigilance: stay calm when encountering things, investigate more, and think more.

Don't trust strangers easily and keep your personal information confidential.

3. Be scientific, not superstitious: When facing health care scams, you must adhere to "two musts and two don'ts".

Don't believe there is a magic pill that can cure all diseases; when you are sick, you should take the initiative to seek medical treatment instead of relying on health supplements.

4. Communicate frequently with relatives and friends: When you encounter something you can’t make up your mind about, listen to the opinions of your relatives and friends, don’t rush to make a decision, and don’t be stubborn.

Family members should also pay more attention to the elderly and strengthen communication.

Faced with increasingly innovative methods of online telecommunications fraud, we must always remain vigilant and enhance our awareness of self-protection.

Only in this way can you effectively avoid becoming a victim of fraud and protect your personal property from infringement.

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