On a dark and windy night, there was a shabby pizza shop. It was said that this shop was once a secret place for Bitcoin transactions.

One day, a young man named Jack passed by this pizza shop late at night. The door of the shop was closed, but strange noises came from inside. Curious Jack couldn't help but look in from the window. He saw a strange light flashing in the shop, and a vague figure was fiddling with a pile of pizza and a pile of Bitcoin.

Suddenly, the figure turned his head, revealing a pale face, with greed in his eyes. Jack turned around and ran away in fear, but the figure chased out like a ghost, muttering: "Pizza for Bitcoin, soul to trade!"

Jack ran desperately, but found that he couldn't run out of this dark street. And the ghost-like figure was getting closer and closer, and the cold breath rushed straight to his back.

Just when Jack felt desperate, a dawn appeared, and the ghost disappeared instantly. But since then, Jack always saw the ghost in the pizza shop in his dreams, repeating the terrifying words.