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Personal experience will help you understand

For sensitive people, don’t often share your joy and achievements with others, especially the bigger achievements.

Unless you are a “community of interests”, such as a loving couple, or a harmonious family, or a friend who lives and dies together. Only these people will be happy and proud of you, because to put it bluntly, you are grasshoppers on the same rope, and your value improvement will also increase their value.

But if your partner is a “insurance fraud type” and your family is a “Fan Shengmei’s parents type”, there is no need to share, because you trust him unilaterally and he only regards you as an interest.

Especially with friends around you, occasionally it’s okay, but sharing frequently will definitely make you feel that you are pretending, because you get the benefits but they don’t get them, and they have to provide you with emotional value. Unless your friends are much higher than you, otherwise the mentality of “comparison” will grow. It’s better to be simple between friends. The saying that a gentleman’s friendship is as light as water is really a famous saying.

Then why do I specifically say that they are sensitive people? Because when these people share their joy, they actually need others to give them positive feedback. However, because they are sensitive, they can easily perceive other people's emotions. Sharing joy with the wrong people will cause internal consumption and affect themselves. (...because I am a sensitive person)

As for people who are insensitive or don't care much about other people's opinions, I think they are strong people. They don't consume themselves anyway, and it's OK to love sharing. This is also a kind of emotional release. And because they are not sensitive to other people's emotions, it doesn't affect themselves. Whatever you like

However, in most environments, whether you are sensitive or cheerful, don't be too ostentatious because of your achievements, because it will be difficult to detect hidden arrows if you put yourself in the open. $ETH $BTC $BNB