How many x1000 bets did you miss last season? No need to regret, this bullrun season will be an opportunity for you to change your position.

It's not too long, the 10 questions below will help you choose the x50-1000 coin this season, absolutely no headlines at all. Get to work, take out a piece of paper, divide it into 2 and answer the 10 questions below to evaluate a project:

1. Is the project a new project or an old season coin? If the old product is -1, the new season product (listing after October 2023) is +1.

2. Whether the project's Roadmap still has many "potential" products still being built or not (this is the deciding factor in price increase potential). The financial market operates on expectations, if the roadmap doesn't show any major upgrades being built, it's -1 point.

3. Has the project been mentioned a lot by the community recently? Is it trending on X or discord of major communities?

4. Find the token/project name on social (preferably on X) to see what top influencers say about the project (and its prospects). List of English KOLs who often share good projects, I will share in the telegram group for you to join to read).

5. Anonymous dev or not, although there are many anonymous dev projects that are still terrible, but for me, long-distance projects should have the identity of the dev (and it's best that the dev has never had a bad reputation before). +1 if the dev is exposed, -1 dev if anonymous.

6. Which side is the Backer, how much capital is invested? If you raise more rounds, you will get a big plus point (the important thing is to raise many rounds, if you raise big money, the valuation will be big, so don't worry too much about how much $ you can raise). .
Ventures also has 5-7 types of high quality, so if you can take the time to track which projects those funds have invested in and what the ROI is. If the project Backer is all top names like BinanceLabs, OKXLabs, Amonica.... then add 1 point +.

7. VERY IMPORTANT CRITERIA: For a listed project, you should check its FDV and compare it with the top 1 in the same niche. Personal experience in the current bull season should choose FDV of about 20- 40% of top 1 products (avoid buying crap or overpriced products). +2 if passed, -2 if not passed.

8. Can the project's technology approach or surpass the current top 1? (processing speed, scalability...). For memecoins, this criterion is negative because it has no technology. But for infrastructure projects, if this criterion is met, +1.

9. Prospects and revenue of the project: Does the project's token have a use case? Is there revenue sharing for holders? This will create motivation to buy and hold tokens, so if there is any, it is a plus point.

then the risks of team dev scam... will be much lower. +1 point if this criterion is met.

If the project is over 7 points, scoop it up and wait to get rich. Note that you must answer objectively and not have a biased mentality when you have already bought it.

1. We have stepped out of the downtrend, so if you bid too low, you will easily lose your opportunity. If you buy a little higher, you still have the opportunity to DCA when the price drops.
2. If a dev says: "Buying and scooping up the token price will make you a millionaire, then the person who will become a millionaire is definitely the dev" -> a sign that you should cook right away no matter how potential the project is.
3. Check the chit chat community to see if it is a real person or a bot. There are many projects running bots on telegram and discord to create virtual communities -> cook quickly, the build project will not need to run virtual bots.
4. After buying tokens, you can throw them on protocols for staking or farming and then forget about it. But if I look at the chart every day, I can't hold x1000.

#BinanceTurns7 #Megadrop #AirdropBinance #BTC☀