#美联储何时降息? #STX

Let's pay attention to another one! STX is a potential leader in the Bitcoin ecosystem!

I believe many brothers know this token. I feel that many people have not paid much attention to it recently. But I'll tell you about it. I hope you will pay attention to it! The mainnet of STX is also coming soon. It has been delayed before, so it should not be delayed this time!

In terms of trend: It has fallen a lot all the way. I feel that the performance of the Bitcoin ecosystem tokens is not very good this time. It is necessary to have a wave of compensatory market. The current price is around 1.4, and you can enter the first position. There is a support line below, around 1.15, and you can make a position to cover the position! In the short term, look at the positions of 1.8 and 2u above! I hope that the mainnet news this time can bring good news!