Is the TON ecosystem really going to become the fourth representative token!

In the existing understanding, BTC, ETH, SOL, these currencies are the leaders of an ecosystem.

TON ecosystem is also working hard, from chain games to memes, and releasing stablecoins.

Every step of the layout is to move towards the fourth ecological chain.

First of all: Backed by Telegram's 900 million active users, it is the biggest feature of the TON ecosystem.

From March to now, the TVL of the TON ecosystem has increased from less than 23 million US dollars to the current 145 million US dollars, an increase of more than 6 times. At the same time, the price of TON has also risen by about 3 times during this period, and the bear market in the past month is still very strong. What are the positive factors behind these?

You can use TON to settle the Telegram platform advertising system.

TON ecosystem currently has 874 projects. Although this number is not impressive compared to public chain ecosystems such as Ethereum, Solana, and Polygon, and currently only Notcoin is on the top platform. However, in the past eight months, the number of TON ecosystem projects has increased by nearly 60%, and the TVL of the entire ecosystem has increased by dozens of times.

NOT once rose 60 times, giving everyone a thorough understanding of the potential of TON ecosystem.

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