This is definitely not a good time to blindly buy the bottom! The market has been turbulent in recent days, and the bloodbath is alarming.

Once again, do not act rashly and rush to buy the bottom.

The real bottom is often stable and lasting, which will give all investors enough time and opportunities to lay out calmly. Therefore, we can clearly say that now is not the bottom stage of the market. Especially for those altcoins, many have suffered a major blow, and large-scale support levels have been broken. Such trauma is difficult to heal in a short time.

Looking further into the market, it is not difficult to find that many altcoins are facing severe survival tests, and a considerable number of them seem to have embarked on a road of no return, and the prospects are worrying.

Be cautious and wait patiently for a wiser choice. Every fluctuation in the market is a test of investors' patience. Let us look forward to the moment when it is really worth getting on board.

I need fans, you need references. It is better to pay attention than to guess blindly.
