Real investing is's like watching paint dry

This statement may be true to a large extent. Effective investing requires patience and a well-thought-out strategy, not quick and reckless moves. Achieving large profits through investing takes time, and successful investing is often slow and steady. Day trading, which some find attractive, may be profitable for some individuals, but it is full of risks and is not suitable for everyone.

We learned that in order to become rich, we must have 30 trading screens...

This belief is widespread among many, especially when professional traders are seen in movies or TV shows surrounded by many screens. In fact, the number of screens is not a measure of investment success. A deep understanding of the markets, good analysis, and patience are the most important factors. Modern tools like smartphones and advanced apps can make investing easy and accessible to everyone without the need for many screens.

We're told that investing is like gambling... none of that is true

The comparison between investing and gambling comes from the belief that both involve risk. However, the fundamental difference is that investing depends on analysis and thoughtful strategies, while gambling depends largely on luck. In investing, risk can be reduced through diversification and constant research, while in gambling, results are often unpredictable and uncontrollable.

Investing, unlike gambling, is not and should not be a form of entertainment

Indeed, investing should be viewed as a means of achieving long-term financial goals, not as a means of entertainment or getting a quick thrill. Successful investors take their investments seriously, study the markets, analyze data, and make informed decisions. In contrast, gambling is mainly aimed at entertainment and excitement, and often leads to significant financial losses.


Investing in financial markets and digital currencies requires patience, study, and a well-thought-out strategy. Staying away from false beliefs and misconceptions can help achieve financial success. Investors need to understand that the path to wealth is not a fast and exciting road, but rather one that requires discipline and careful planning.




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