When faced with the emerging meme coin, many new friends will have questions: What is its value?

First, let's look at the short videos, Hollywood blockbusters and Disney animations on Tiktok. They are all cultural and entertainment products that are deeply loved by people. So, are the film companies that produce these entertainment contents and the social media platforms that carry them equally valuable? Obviously, their leaders all have market capitalizations of tens to hundreds of billions, which undoubtedly proves their value.

Furthermore, when we analyze a popular cultural and entertainment product in depth, we will find that it is usually composed of two parts: high-quality content and memes. Whether it is Pixar animation, Titanic, or today's Tiktok celebrity short videos, they are inseparable from the spread of memes. It can be said that the explosion of popularity is the result of memes, and memes are the most efficient mode of transferring attention.

Where is the value of meme coins? It is a combination of cultural entertainment and Ponzi schemes, representing the redistribution of attention value. Although its value has not yet been fully revealed, its potential cannot be underestimated. Meme coins have the ability to quickly build community consensus and viral social media communication capabilities, which makes it expected to become one of the important ways of community marketing in the future.

In today's world, we have to face the reality that finance has a growing impact on our lives. The over-issuance of legal tender has long been controlled by governments and financial oligarchs, and the accumulation of wealth has long been unbalanced. This is exactly why we need cryptocurrency.

At the same time, we must also face another important reality: the influence of the centralization of information and content on us is gradually increasing. Our attention is being manipulated by centralized algorithm recommendations, and our cognition is quietly being reshaped by centralized information filtering. Therefore, we need decentralized meme dissemination to express, deconstruct, satirize and resist. This is why we need meme coins, which can provide a more solid foundation for our meme rights.

We can say that meme coins are one of the eternal themes of cryptocurrency, and they carry the cultural core of cryptocurrency. This view is being reinforced in every cycle and will continue to be so.



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