- Important information update! The market has reacted to the positive and negative data yesterday, showing signs of rebound. However, the potential adverse factors of Mentougou have not yet fully emerged.

Next, let's focus on an ETF that is good for Ethereum. It will be resubmitted for review next Monday (8th), and pay attention to market fluctuations.

In the rebound momentum, SOL and meme are particularly eye-catching. Speaking of SOL, we have to mention the IO project on the SOL chain that was recently launched. This project is a leader in the field of AI and DePin.

io.net, a decentralized physical infrastructure network (DePin) protocol based on Solana, aims to reshape the computing resource market by eliminating intermediaries and aggregating liquidity. Similar to DeFi's innovation in traditional finance, io.net coordinates and allocates GPU resources in a decentralized manner to provide strong support for application scenarios with high computing requirements.

The perfect combination of Solana and io.net:

- High speed and low cost: With Solana's high throughput and low transaction fees, io.net provides users with fast and economical computing services.

- Milestone of SOL Chain: As the first project on SOL chain to be launched on a major exchange, io.net undoubtedly demonstrates its recognition and influence in the market.

Economic incentives and token mechanism:

- Economic role of IO tokens: IO tokens ensure the stable operation and long-term growth potential of the network through a carefully designed economic incentive mechanism.

- Token distribution and future development: As the IOG network continues to grow, the position of IO tokens in the decentralized computing resource market will become increasingly prominent, creating more value for users and suppliers.

io.net is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated projects this year. It integrates the three hot technology trends of AI, DePin and Solana, bringing unlimited possibilities to the market. #美国6月非农数据高于预期 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美联储何时降息?