📈The second half of Bitcoin BTC market has begun to brew, starting from the rest and stop loss recovery period, when you come back in the next FOMO high-chasing period, it will be the same as the previous wave of 70,000 high-chasing BTC. If you buy 54,000 BTC now, from a fundamental point of view, your risk is much higher than the safety margin of buying BTC at 17,000. Now at least BTC weekly line is still on the right side. Those who don’t understand will never understand. Those who understand will think that they are all opportunities #BTC

Why more and more secondary players are willing to take out part of their funds to go to the primary market for gold,

1. The coins in the secondary market are like mature stocks [not much room for appreciation]

2. The high-quality coins in the primary market are like unlisted equity [huge room for appreciation]

[Big Fund] Investment Advice

80% of the funds are used to build positions in mainstream currencies for stability and security

20% of the funds are used to build positions in high-quality projects in the primary market to make a small bet for a big gain

Binance Data Center provides👇

Binance Chain Ecological application of primary market potential projects 👇

OSKS Binance contract 👇Look at the data, pay attention and don’t get lost


#币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美联储何时降息? #BTC走势分析 $ETH $BNB $BTC