#IO $IO IO In-depth analysis of today’s market

Currently, in the 1-hour and 2-hour time frames, the bullish side is clearly dominant, but at the 4-hour level, the short side clearly occupies a dominant position, so it is not appropriate to rush into the market and go long at this time.

Whether the market can usher in a new round of decline or rebound depends on whether it can effectively stabilize the key price near 2.210. Investors need to pay close attention to this area.

In view of the potential pullback at the 4-hour level, its target price is expected to focus on the three ranges of 2.066, 2.008 to 1.949. If it does not fall below any of the above levels during the callback, it will be regarded as a long signal, and the target can be set to the 2.232, 2.286 or even 2.491 range.

Short-term traders need to remain highly vigilant, keep up with market dynamics, respond flexibly to market changes, and are advised to avoid relying on pending orders.

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As for the long-term spot strategy, we adhere to the established policy: buy in moderation if the price drops slightly, and increase buying if the price drops sharply. We are optimistic about the future of the spot market by seizing the opportunity of the correction and decline. Friends, let us use a broader vision to seek the overall situation and create brilliance together!

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