Knowing ≠ Doing

Going with the flow is a principle that everyone knows, but few people do it in the trading market.

Because few people in the trading market can admit their mistakes, which will only lead to bigger and bigger losses in the end.

Many people say that they can't do anything if they are trapped. This is to find reasons and excuses for themselves, and they dare not admit their mistakes or face their mistakes. What is trapped is not the position, but the brain's thinking.

If the four-hour cycle is trapped, stop loss in time, at least you won't lose to the daily line.

If the daily cycle is trapped, stop loss in time, at least you won't lose to the weekly line.

If the weekly cycle is trapped, stop loss in time, at least there is still a 50% chance.

When the monthly level is about to be trapped, it is basically eliminated.

In the current market, there is no bullish trend signal in the four-hour cycle. Those who are busy with bottom-fishing and adding positions are equivalent to pushing themselves into the fire pit, which will only accelerate death, not prolong life.

Go with the flow

The road from "knowing" to "doing" is too long. It takes at least five years, and some people may not even get there in their lifetime.