#SATS.智能策略库🏆🏆 For the current market of 1000SATS, it clearly shows the characteristics of a bear market in the 2-4 hour time frame.

Specifically at the 1-hour level, the market is currently in a delicate balance of sideways fluctuations, which makes the price around 0.0001208 the focus of competition between bulls and bears. #sats,很明显, #ASI代币合并计划

If this price can be effectively occupied by bulls and successfully broken through, it will be regarded as the establishment of a long signal, and the upward resistance that may be faced is around 0.0001270 and 0.0001342 respectively.

On the contrary, if the market fails to accumulate enough strength to break through the upper pressure in this sideways range, the bearish forces may make a comeback and push the price downward to explore support. The potential support area is concentrated between 0.0001167 and 0.0001113. #美国6月非农数据高于预期 $BTC $ETH $1000SATS