
BOME today's market overview, the system accurately captures the 2-hour purple dot signal,

This is a clear sign of the rise of short-side forces, indicating that the market is about to start a new round of downward trend.

When the purple dot is settled, it will be a great time for us to enter the short position. #BOME🔥🔥🔥

Our goal is clear and clear, pointing directly to the potential support level of 0.006783 to 0.006254, and we can expect to gain a generous profit of up to 13%. #美国6月非农数据高于预期

However, investment should be cautious, and we have set a stop loss near 0.008116 to control potential losses.

At the same time, the large-scale 4-hour chart also shows a trend dominated by short-side, which resonates well with the short-term trend. #bome相对市场行情来说bome #bome潜力无限

But please remember that contract trading is full of risks. You must keep a cool head and operate carefully to make steady profits. $BOME $BTC $ETH