#Bitcoin Whatever the bull was doing before in 2020, he is doing the same move now. Believe me, the methods are the same. When the pricing reaches the support point, spread FUD news to increase fear and panic and make you make a psychological selling decision!

Btc's spike was something we expected. You can review the article we wrote about this subject after the first big drop, which we have added to the end of the content.

👉Now let's get to the main point;

Only with such methods can you cause damage and transfer capital to traders who trade carelessly with technical analysis. And we still see that even people who have lived through 2020 continue to fall into this trap. I can't even think of the newcomers to the market...

100% of Investing is about psychology management. In order to manage your psychology correctly, you should not know how to read books. Then you can read the markets like a book. That's the only way to win. Even if you don't know, there is no need to make decisions based on your emotions and cause people to lose more by causing confusion with your ridiculous reactions!

There are lots of people like this around.

Stock markets are places where the inexperienced transfer wealth to the experienced, the poor to the rich, the uninformed to those who trade knowledge!

What was our motto? Not everyone can be rich!

My so-called investor friend, who does not see the big picture, drowns in the details in the small picture and makes decisions based on emotion, we will rise when there is nothing left of you!😉

Our article about Btc: Buradan inceleyebilirsiniz.

#bitcoin #binance #btc #ethereum