Idealists are not daydreamers.

Everyone knows what the latter is like, but the former is to work hard for a goal after identifying it. Even if you know that the goal is far away and difficult, you still want to try your best. What if you lose?

To use an ecosystem as an example, some people hope that it will prosper and bring about a wealth effect, and that’s all; some people believe or are even certain that it can prosper, and work hard to promote its prosperity. We also call such people Builders.

A long-term Builder always has some ideals. In the impetuous cryptocurrency world, facing the situation of no wealth return for a long time, what makes these people persist in paying? It is ideals.

The 15 years of Bitcoin have been a journey of hard work for idealists.

The rise of Bitcoin has never been smooth sailing, and even exists in an extremely long cycle. It is common for it to rise for a few months and fall for a few years. However, people tend to only envy those who have held Bitcoin from beginning to end, but few people ask themselves, if they really go back to 15 years ago, what should they do to support themselves to persevere?

Without those OGs who worked hard to witness a new era, there would be no Bitcoin today. It was countless man-made accidents that finally made today's Bitcoin inevitable.

15 years later, we were fortunate to meet Atomicals again.

If you take a close look at this ecosystem, you will find that those community members who insist on building it every day are the true embodiment of idealism.

Anyone who truly understands Atomicals will understand that it is an essential part of the Bitcoin ecosystem. Since there is no such thing as failure, we should strive to turn success into "great success".

In the end, the rewards that Atomicals brings to us are not just profits, but also "meaning". Participating in an ecosystem that is early enough, no matter how much the rewards are, is a huge success in itself, and this is the meaning.

The Bitcoin ecosystem is in its infancy. Every learner, entrepreneur, and investor should be familiar with this extremely early ecological environment, and it would be best if they could participate in it personally.

There are many interesting things in the current Bitcoin ecosystem, and I believe that many sectors will eventually prosper. The Atomicals protocol is the track I recommend most, from colored coins to mining, from smart contracts to Defi, every direction is full of imagination and stories.

In the past, when we traded in cryptocurrencies, we just expected others to do something and pull the price. We thought whether others could make the coin better so that we could get some benefits. Later, we all knew that the so-called "others" were nothing more than those VCs, institutions, or so-called project parties. In these coins, what is the meaning of individual existence?

When a truly decentralized ecosystem emerges, everyone has a stake, everyone is a project owner, and everyone can choose to contribute or not. How far can such an ecosystem go?

If the entire Bitcoin ecosystem can succeed, it will not rely on "brainless CX" to go global. It depends on an ecosystem that eventually becomes a truly flourishing "ecosystem" with the joint efforts of the collective, and relies on all development and application possibilities other than hype.

Now, when I talk about idealism, I am usually talking about the entire ecosystem, not just one coin, and I am no longer hoping that everyone will buy it without thinking. What ideals are there in cryptocurrency trading? But "looking forward to Atomicals becoming mainstream" is always an ideal, and the ideal result will also have a wealth effect. The so-called "preaching" is more about hoping that every passerby can feel the novelty, charm, and atmosphere of the Atomicals protocol. Even if everyone comes to ARC-20 to issue a new coin, why not? Welcome.

Ideals and speculation always go hand in hand. The latter considers whether you can make money in the next few days, which I dare not say; the former considers whether you can succeed in the end, and success can also bring wealth, which I believe.

From an ideal perspective, Atomicals will eventually become popular, accepted and recognized by the public. I used to think the biggest reason was that it is good, but now I think the bigger reason is that the people here are good. Only with people can there be stories, and only with stories can more people know about it.

When you choose to learn about Atomicals, you have stepped into a community full of ideals. Ideals have no ceiling, and all the most impossible situations are always realized in "ideals".

There is always a group of people here who are determined to build, regardless of success or failure. Don’t be prejudiced until you reach the end!

#Atomicals #ARC20 #Quark #atomarc