The black swan has arrived again, and the crypto market is wailing;

This time, Sun Kaifeng suffered a loss; he was actually thinking of doing business with the German government;

The crypto market is in turmoil again. The price of ETH plummeted by 10%, causing Sun Ge to suffer a huge loss of up to US$66 million overnight. This blow not only profoundly affected his investment landscape, but also caused the value of his huge Ethereum holdings to shrink significantly. It is reported that between February and June 2024, Sun Gao accumulated an astonishing 361,137 ETH through careful layout and use of three core wallets.

Sun Ge's investment philosophy has always been known for exchanging high risks for high returns. In February of this year, he decisively purchased 169,604 Ethereum coins at an average price of US$2,870 per coin, demonstrating his keen market acumen. Subsequently, in April and June, he increased his investment again, purchasing 176,117 and 15,416 Ethereum coins at an average price of US$3,177 and US$3,474 respectively, continuing to expand his cryptocurrency empire.

Although on the eve of the crash, Sun Gao had made a huge profit of US$58 million with precise operations, the ruthless reversal of the market caught him off guard and all the profits were locked up. This change is undoubtedly a severe test of its investment strategy.

In the face of market turmoil, Sun Ge actually proposed an unprecedented idea - to acquire Bitcoin held by the German government through over-the-counter transactions as a grand strategy to stabilize the cryptocurrency market. This idea stems from the recent large-scale Bitcoin selling behavior of the German government, which undoubtedly exacerbated the panic in the market. Sun Ge hopes to cooperate with the government to absorb these assets privately, thereby calming the market turbulence to a certain extent and slowing down the price turbulence caused by large-scale selling.

This move not only demonstrates Sun's extraordinary courage and foresight, but also reflects investors' deep desire for stability and cooperation in an extreme market environment.

#BTC走势分析 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥

The cryptocurrency market is ever-changing, and every trend has the potential to be the next flashpoint.

Again, I don’t know what to do in the bull market. Click on my avatar, follow, bull market spot planning, contract password, and free sharing.

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