$BTC And the long sinners will rise above the depths of the short, and will learn 9 ways of liquidation.

Greed overshadows fear of Long. hamster The market is falling, everyone who thinks that now there will be a sharp global rebound may shed tears and not find their panties.

There is an extremely high probability that the fall now is just a warm-up; in fact, Bitcoin has not fallen globally yet. Now there will be pressure from investors of the collapsed Crypto Exchange. Continued sales to the USA and Germany.

Since the cue ball is completely tied to the US economy, any negative will be immediately reflected in the price. Well, the most important question I ask myself is what price is red and black for large ETFs. After which they will begin to fold en masse, then the fun will begin, and drawdowns of 10% at a time.

You must understand that most ETF investors are already in the red, and they will sell according to the trend, but what they write is that they are ready to wait out just words, no one wants to lose money, few people want a falling asset, this is the psychology of everyone, but who is buying? essentially playing roulette, the fun will begin when we hit 50k. Tears, pain, wet panties, bald body. Hugs everyone)