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The altcoin market is changing: similar washes, different endings

In the vast ocean of the financial market, the trend of altcoins is always full of mystery and variables.

Looking back at 21 years, the big wash that started in mid-April was like a thrilling storm, raging for more than three months, and it was not until July 20 that it gradually subsided.

Today, a similar plot is being staged again, and the wash that also started in mid-April has made investors' hearts beat faster, although it has not been three months.

The trajectory of Bitcoin's increase is surprisingly similar in these two washes, but the altcoin field presents a completely different picture.

Once, on the eve of "519", altcoins seemed to be on a rocket, and generally ushered in a remarkable increase.

But now, the ferocity of this round of washes can be compared with the "519" that makes people change color, and investors are deeply trapped in it and miserable.

In this ever-changing market, everyone is like an explorer who has just entered it for the first time, full of confusion and bewilderment.

Whether it is the potential impact that ETFs may bring or the subsequent effects of the interest rate cut policy, they have become the material for retrospective reflection, but it is difficult to provide a clear direction for our decision-making at the moment.

Where will the future altcoin market go?

Will it continue to sink in turmoil, or will it usher in a gorgeous rainbow after the storm?

Everything is still unknown.

Investors can only grope forward cautiously in this fog, looking forward to the arrival of light.

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