The published value of #美国6月非农数据高于预期 non-agricultural is 20.6, which is the same as our expected number. The current non-agricultural is a revised version of the previous non-agricultural, so this period is more realistic. As for the current situation of BTC, the data is relatively mediocre, which is not surprising. Although the mei yuan index has reached 105.6, it is not high. It can be suppressed, and it is not necessary to suppress it, so this is already a good situation.

In addition to this major event, there are two more. On the 8th, the s-1 file of Ethereum ETF was audited for the second time. In my opinion, this event has become a tool for adjusting yin and yang. The reason is very simple. First of all, there are other things behind s-1, and it is not settled after approval. It is very suitable to use it as a tool for expectation management on this basis. The current market is weak, so s-1 to 8th should be a good result.