What is the biggest misconception that the cryptocurrency world gives to people aged 18-50?

Thinking it is very simple, you can make money by moving your little finger.

When buying lottery tickets, even though the probability is so small, you will think you will win;

When running a red light, even though the probability is also small, you will think that it is not you who is hit.

What is the biggest pain of cryptocurrency trading?

When you are close to recovering your investment, the rebound comes to an abrupt end;

When you are out of profit, the black swan appears;

When you are complacent, the crash comes as expected;

When you are penniless, good coins are everywhere.

In fact, the most painful thing is not these, but

Others make big money, but you make small money;

Others make small money, but you lose money.

The most painful thing is the comparison.

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