Today, the big cake and many cottages have collapsed again. There are many declines caused by this news or that news in the market. But even if you know the reason for the decline, can you stop it? Can you change anything? If you have a position, you can only watch your account suffer a large floating loss! In fact, in my opinion, what we traders can do is nothing more than to judge the trend before the market has a big move. This is crucial. Fans who follow me know that most of the time, the operation suggestions I give are biased towards stability. Like this big drop, I have already reminded on June 28, and then I haven’t updated any other posts! I also told everyone not to blindly buy the bottom in the updated post yesterday. There is still a position of 50,000-53,000 below. Today, it seems that the market has confirmed my point of view. Because I am a person who only looks at the chart price to analyze the market trend. If you believe that ordinary people can go further in this market is the holy grail of trading and technology, then you can leave me a like and follow, and I will remind you before the market has a turning point and a big move! 😀

(Like + follow, update the wealth code from time to time)

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