According to TechFlow, XT reminds that at 20:30 on July 5, 2024, Singapore time, the U.S. Department of Labor will announce the U.S. unemployment rate for June, and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics will announce the seasonally adjusted non-farm payrolls (10,000 people) for June.

Release frequency: Once a month (published on the first Friday of each month, except for special holidays or statistical cycle issues)

Expected impact: Because Fed Chairman Powell has repeatedly emphasized that interest rate cuts will only be considered when the unemployment rate is above 4% and inflation is below 2%, the market generally expects that the US unemployment rate data will affect interest rate cut expectations, the US dollar index, and US Treasury yields, and will most likely transmit the impact to risk markets and cryptocurrency markets.

Data impact: The previous value of the US unemployment rate in June was 4%, and the forecast value was 4%. If the published value is greater than the expected value, it is bearish for the US dollar and bullish for non-US stocks. It is bearish for Treasury yields. It is bullish for rate cut expectations and bearish for rate hike expectations. It is bullish for risk markets and bullish for cryptocurrency markets.

*Not intended as investment advice