Whenever the market fluctuates greatly, there will always be people asking: Should we cut it off?

But when we realize the mistake, we correct it immediately and minimize the cost. Preventing mistakes is more important than anything else.

The first time you make 1 million, it is easy to lose 800,000 back; the first time you make 10 million, it is easy to lose 5 million; the first time you make 100 million, it is also easy to lose 30 million.

In the field of cryptocurrency, wealth comes quickly and is lost just as quickly - the market changes so fast that it is difficult to match.

It is recommended to do less operations, realize more benefits, and think more carefully.

For friends who want to dig deep in the currency circle but don’t know how to start, you can find me at my brief introduction, and share currency circle market strategies and operations every day

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